All prodcuts of SECO are meant to conserve energy and preserve environment. While many ideas are in various levels in the process of “Concept to Commercialisation”, Two groups of products are commercially made by SECO. The first is Oxygen analysers for Combustion monitoring. These are based on Zirconia, and have been developed in house. They are also approved for projecgts purchase by NTPC and APSEB. The second group of products are LED based lighting. LEDs have been chosen by SECO, not only for its efficiency – But for the absence of mercury. It is probably the only commercially available light source without mercury. SECO is also very concious of the materials which go into the manufacture of these lights. All materials and proccesses which can harm the environment are avoided, such as lead, PCBs etc., Alternates are being continually searched for making atleast 90% of the product either recyclable or biodegradable. Some more products on saving energy can be expected over the time.