Lighting Solutions

LEDs, as a light source are differnt from others – The main difference is the the directional property. Further, the LEDs can be made to work in different voltage levels of electricity. The LEDs are also available in single, multi and combination of colours. Taking all these into account, SECO can provide the best solution for the required lighting effect. SECO also understands, both the technology requirement of lighting and the physiological and psychological requirement of lighting. Thus, SECO can not only come up the most optimal design, it would also advice on the various stages and the pace of introduction of the new concept to derive the maximum benefit out of the LED Lighting.

For example, if one can achieve 50% savings by oine to one replacement, SECO can achieve 80% savings, but on a “light for the required task” basis. While the first method can take few weeks only, the second could take many months – for trial installations, feedback, understanding of psychological barriers, and final installation. At the end of it, we would have served the humanity on a long term basis.